My Objects

Image 1: Fitness is such an important hobby of mine since it allows me to clear my head and organize my thoughts. I feel that although there are always a million things going on in life, fitness is a way to escape it all. My fitness band is my portable gym, so whenever I cannot go to the gym I utilize this blue band in order to facilitate my workout.

Image 2: There’s never enough time in a day for me to sit down and read novels, but I do always prioritize this book. This books reminds me everyday to never compare myself to other people and to live my own life, unapologetically. I think this book is so important to me because sometimes I struggle to acknowledge my accomplishments, but this book reminds me to acknowledge accomplishments, accept them for what they are, and live life. Everyone should read this book at least once in their life!

Image 3: My hourly planner allows me to maintain organization in all aspects of my life. Each night before I go to sleep I input the next days plan, hour by hour in order to ensure that I have time for myself and that I accomplish each task to the best of my ability. I input my class schedule, MCAT studying schedule and my weekly commitments in order to make sure that I stay on task every day.

Image 4: This necklace that my dad gave to me when I was a little girl always reminds me that I am loved. When he gave it to me he made sure that I knew every time I looked at it I would remember that no matter what I am feeling at that current moment, that I should always feel loved.

Image 5: This picture of me and my mom is so important to me because she is my best friend. Growing up in a big family and having all brothers was hard when I was a little girl because all I ever wanted was a sister to hang out with. Although this is true, as I got older my mom and I began to bond more; moreover, we became so close that now it is so hard being away from her while I’m at school. She reminds me of the importance of family and friendship within a family dynamic.

Image 6: I chose to pose all of these objects on my desk since my desk is my work space and my mini sanctuary. I choose to complete all my work and studying at my desk, as opposed to my bed so that I remain attentive to the task at hand. My desk is important to me because it helps me to have boundaries when in my room, away from home. By this I mean that I know when I’m at my desk, that its time to work, but when I’m in my bed or anywhere else then I can relax and not worry about any school work.

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