Drew’s Collection

Here is a list of all the objects I used for my project and the personal meaning that they hold.

Track Spikes – I am on the Track and Field Team at Lehigh and have been sprinting for over ten years. Not only has this sport given me great competition and work ethic, but it has given me amazing opportunities. Lehigh has proven to be the perfect place for me, and I truly feel that I would not have gotten here if it wasn’t for me pursuing a track career. Track is a sport that mirrors the challenges of life and has shaped me into the person that I am today.

Candles – I am a very fast paced person and sometimes feel like my mind is going 100 mph. When I feel this way I like to sit in a dark room and light some candles and it relaxes me. Growing up my mom always loved candles and had them going throughout the house, so I think that there is a sense of nostalgia that makes candles feel so comforting.

Avocado – This choice seemed kind of random and I wasn’t sure how to represent this topic. However, I care a lot about what I put in my body and feel at my best when I am eating right. In 2021 I am trying to cut out processed food from my diet in hopes of becoming healthier. I truly feel that the world would be a much better place if everybody ate the right foods and took care of their bodies.

Book – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra is a great book explaining how to live a more fulfilling life. Though I struggle to focus long enough to read many books I enjoyed this one. This item represents my constant drive to learn and improve by seeking out new information all of the time.

Blue Light – This is just a cool light that I have in my room.

Flannel – I used my favorite flannel at the base just to spice up the setting a little bit.

Sunglasses – Was also not sure how to represent this topic, but I consider myself a very social person and these are just a goofy pair of sunglasses that I’ve worn going out with friends. My life would be boring if I didn’t have such a fun group of friends and the ability to meet new people so I am grateful.

4 thoughts on “Drew’s Collection”

  1. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is such a great book! If you liked it I recommend The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s fairly short with big font so it makes for an easy read.

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