Mariah’s Project #1

Necklace 1: My dad gave me this necklace for my birthday 2 years ago. Starting when I was 12 years old he gives me nice jewelry for my birthday and he picks it out himself. He doesn’t express a lot of taste and its hard to tell what he likes (he’s not very expressive) so I find it really special to see what he picks out. He does the same for my sister and my mother so I find it to be a symbol of my loving family. They are one of the biggest and most important parts of my life.

Spoon: This is actually just our kitchen spoon but I have collected spoons ever since I was a young girl (both the travel kind and attractive or interesting ones or meaningful ones) its been one of the most consistent interest of mine throughout my life and so I consider it part of my identity. 

Bracelet 1:  I included this bracelet because although all the jewelry is gold,  this is a gold link bracelet that I am using to represent the golden rule. I’m not sure if this is a widely known concept or saying but my mom taught me from the day I was born to always follow the golden rule; treat others how you want to be treated. Now, the golden rule, is just part of who I am. And I wear it proudly on my sleeve.

Necklace 2: when I was a little girl all I wanted in the world was a locket and I got one for easter when I was 6 and it was my most treasured possession for many many years- I was a girly girl when I was very little but then became a tomboy for a while and I ignored and lost my locket. I recently bought the locket in the image as a reminder to myself about the things I love, who I am at heart, and getting back to basics.

Bracelet 2: I got this bracelet when I was in traveling in Thailand and its a symbol of my passion and long history of traveling. I have been extremely fortunate and have traveled to many countries across the globe. Learning about new cultures and experiencing the diverse world we live, in and most importantly, respecting and appreciating our differences and similarities as humans, in any community, is very important to me.

Necklace 3: this pearl necklace was given to me by my god-mother who lives in Chile. My dad is chilean and half of my family is chilean and I go every year to visit my family. I speak Spanish fluently and chilean culture is a big part of my life. I am Latina and I am proud. 

Architecture model: Architecture is truly my passion and my self portrait would not be complete without it. I have always been creative and love working with my hands. I am a maker and an explorer and I love the way a space has the power to make you feel. 

Lastly I hung the jewelry in a playful manner across the model to give it the feel of a jungle gym. I loved to play when I was younger and honestly I still do. I am a child at heart. I like to challenge myself and reach for the highest monkey bars. 

3 thoughts on “Mariah’s Project #1”

  1. I really like the way you arrange items with depth and perspective. It reminds me of Brooklyn Bridge. As I looked at it, I feel like walking through a bridge of jewelry or being on a treasure hunt trip. The suspended pendants are just like eye candies. Searching for the pendents makes it really intersting to stare at the assemblage. The color palette of the assemblage is also very harmounious.
    I think the spoon is a little bit too big and catches lots of attention. The gold color already makes it stand out , so maybe just modify the size or position would make it more harmounious with other items.
    I think it might be interesting to arrange the spoon differently. I would suggest to put the spoon stand at the back and use perspective to make it looks much smaller, just like a gold key as the award of passing the jewelry bridge.

  2. Your piece is so harmonious and I love the use of the model to tie all of your objects together. It creates so much visual interest and depth.

    It might be interesting to play around with the spoon and necklace your dad gave you to create contrast against the necklace. The necklace blends in with the model and may deserve more attention. I like that the spoon feels a little out of place because I think it’s cool that you’ve been collecting spoons your whole life. It’s not something I’ve heard a lot of people doing so I think it’s a unique hobby and should be highlighted in the piece.

    Do you have a favorite spoon?

  3. I like how this piece draws you in to the back of the model. It looks as if it goes on forever. I do wish there was something in the back for you to look at as my eyes keep ending up towards that center place. I love how you hung the jewelry and how some pieces hidden. I keep finding new things every time I look at this piece.

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