my assemblage

Item 1: The foundation of my assemblage is a scale. My whole life I had an extremely fast metabolism and was super skinny and tall. When I was in the sixth grade, I was bullied for being “too skinny” and was called “anorexic” and “bulimic”. Meanwhile, I was perfectly healthy according to my doctors! I struggled with trying to gain weight my whole childhood and early teen years, but now towards the start of adulthood I have filled out my figure and reached 170 pounds. My whole life I have let a scale control my thoughts and self-confidence, but throughout the years I have slowly been letting go.

Item 2: I chose a mirror as part of my assemblage next. To an outsider, I have one face and I am consistently one person to them. However, when I personally look in a mirror I do not see one face or person. I look beyond my physical body and I am able to see so many different parts and sides to me that only I and a handful of others know of.

Item 3: The next item I chose are my glasses. I can thank my dad’s genes for my horrific eyesight! I received my first pair of glasses when I was 6 years old and started wearing contact lenses when I was 11. I have a -6.00 prescription for both eyes ( for context my dad is 33 years older than me and has a -6.75 prescription). Sometimes for fun I like to take my glasses and contacts off and try to get around with my natural eyesight.

Item 4: The first item I knew I was going to include in my assemblage was my asthma pump. I have had asthma my whole life and when I was younger I had to take 30 minute nebulizer treatments everyday to stabilize my breathing. During the beginning of my teenage years, I graduated from a nebulizer to a regular pump and it has been my lifeline for volleyball and for any other activity in which my lungs decide to not work properly.

Item 5: My childhood lip-gloss cellphone. Yes, I still have it! It reminds me of how amazing and pure my childhood was (despite middle school bullying). Sometimes I like to put the surviving lip-gloss on and pretend I am playing dress-up with my mom and sister again in 2007.

Item 6: My other lifeline is music. I am so blessed and grateful that my parents instilled music into my life at a very young age and have made sure that I am cultured and know every music genre. From 50s doo-wap, to 70s rock, to early 2000s pop, to current alternative and rap music, there will never be a day where I do not listen to music.

1 thought on “my assemblage”

  1. I like the way you’ve incorporated your objects to all be facing the same direction, toward the center of the assemblage. I think it’s really interesting–the way you chose to place your things this way and that it gives it a particularly complex perspective. Additionally, the color scheme that you’ve incorporated has made the piece feel complete.

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