My Objects

Item 1: Basketball (More specifically, a basketball signed by Mike Krzyzewski.) (Head)

Basketball has played an influential role in the course of my life. Growing up, I played multiple musical instruments and various sports, but ultimately I chose to pursue basketball as my primary extracurricular activity. I’m 6’5, so needless to say, I was born for this. My goal was to attend Duke University and play for Coach K, with the slight thought of a professional career. I visited Duke numerous times and had the opportunity to play in front of, meet, and obtain Coach K’s signature (pictured on the basketball). Unfortunately, I suffered an injury that would sideline those aspirations. 

Item 2: Lebron James Jersey (Torso) 

Lebron’s my favorite basketball player and the greatest basketball player to ever live. I have all of Lebron’s jerseys, but this jersey specifically was the first Lebron jersey mass-produced, following his selection into the NBA. 

Item 3: Sneakers (Limbs) 

I collect and wear many sneakers. Currently, my weekly rotation consists of running shoes and Yeezys. I am looking to buy the Nike SB dunk “Ben and Jerry’s” so if anyone knows where I can find these without paying resale, hmu. 

Item 4: PS4 Controller (Phone)

Although I have yet to lay my hands on the new generation of PlayStation. This PlayStation controller has been through it all with me. Despite the limited action my controllers received, the PlayStation made the early parts of quarantine less stressful as I was able to distract myself with games and interact with friends. 

Item 5: Speaker (Accessory) 

I listen to and play music every day. This speaker that looks like a pursuit, plays music at an immense volume and without it listening to music would not be the same. 

Item 6: Photograph of Myself in Jordan 

I had the opportunity to spend a month in Jordan and while I was there I visited a couple of Syrian refugee camps and immersed myself in their culture. This trip changed my perspective about the Middle East and contributed to my studies now which involve Economics and IR. 

Item 7: Hat (Accessory) 

No real significance to the addition of the hat into this figure. I just wanted to make the figure more Maine-like and decided to shout out the Yankees while I did that. (I also collect hats).

1 thought on “My Objects”

  1. I think this was a great idea and it really shows your personality and is a good reflection of yourself through your object. Because of the way you cropped the image and because of the dark carpet background you really lose the details in the head and totally de-emphasizing those objects making the main focus on the shoes when the head was also a valuable addition.

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