Stasia’s Favorite Things

Lion Picture: This is a lion print on metal by a Seattle artist. It represents my city and highlights the art culture in Seattle that I love. I bought it at a street fair on Alki which is still an area that a lot of newer people to Seattle haven’t ‘discovered.’ Lions are one of my favorite animals and I am a leo. I also love buying art/food/clothes locally in Seattle and I think the fact that this is painted by a local artist is a good way to represent that. Lastly, a lot of the art that I tend to gravitate towards is dark with a pop of color like this one.

Horse: This was my grandma’s chachki. She was a huge part of my life growing up and had a lot of these figures around her home. Her house reminds me of being a little kid and my best friends lived next door so spending so much time with her shaped me into who I am. I also ride horses so that’s why I picked the horse one.

Candy: This is a polish candy from Krakóv. It represents my polish decent and sweet tooth. It also represents both of my grandparents as I would go to their house after school every day and grew up on a lot of polish foods, such as these candies. 

Gold chain: I love Jewelry and think it’s very expressive. I always change my necklaces and earrings and I feel like the jewelry I wear is part of who I am and represents my personality. This one in particular is handed down so it has extra sentimental value. 

Photo: This photo is some of my friends that I consider family. I’m pretty social but also keep to myself and I wasn’t sure how to represent that. In the photo we’re together but doing nothing, just sitting in a car. My friends have always been a rock in my life which is why it was important for me to add them somehow. 

Horseshoe Crab: The beach is one of my favorite places. This horseshoe crab was made by a blacksmith in Cape Cod where my cousins and I spend a few weeks at my grandpas every summer. As an only child I consider them my siblings because we are so close so it’s special that we’re still able to find time to go to the Cape as young adults. 

Teddy Bear: My freshman year roommate gave me this and she’s someone who I see always being in my life. It’s from a company based in NYC which is where she is from. 

Chapstick: I just always have chapstick. My favorite smell is vanilla so that’s why I put this specific one in. 

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