3 thoughts on “Clay Sculpture”

  1. Your clay model works very well in its form and has a great balance of asymmetry and symmetry. The cutouts and holes flow well with each other and create an interesting piece to look at from multiple different angles. If I were doing this piece I might have angled the protruding knobs a little bit more to create a more asymmetrical piece.

  2. I really like the asymmetrical balance of your sculpture. I like the fact that there is no defined bottom, so it could be looked at from various angles. The nagative space carved out from the piece is my favorite part. It flows smoothly through the sculpture, just like transitions between different sides.
    I think it might be more interesting to have various texture. Maybe smooth on the outside, rough on the inside.

  3. Your attention to detail and form is amazing. I really like how each side of the sculpture has a distinct path into another side, so it’s easy to see how and where the different elements connect. I also like how you balance the holes and curves in your piece with its smoother and sometimes more blocky surface. Both elements don’t feel overwhelming and that makes your piece feel balanced despite its asymmetrical composition.

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