2 thoughts on “Abstract Clay Sculpture”

  1. I really like how the coil element becomes a motif for the entire sculpture. You managed to vary how it is stacked, which allows for each section of your sculpture to be easily recognizable. My favorite section to observe is the spire-like part at the top as the different coils weave together to form a point that is really cool to look at in the last picture. However, I wonder wonder how your piece would have been improved it you changed your sculpture’s base and/or stem. Right now, the piece stacks up on each element, so it might be interesting to alter the base so it’s noticeably different from the rest of the piece (maybe it’s a curve that extends beyond the dome section instead of being a block that only goes straight down, or there’s a hole in it that splits the section in half, etc).

  2. This is a very compelling piece and the tube/ coil elements add a lot of intrigue but the clear standing position/ pedestal element makes it too singular in its presentation ability. I would suggest finding a way to refine the model so that it has more positions to rest in.

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