3 thoughts on “Clay Carving”

  1. I really like how you were able to take so many different pictures from different angels, it speaks to the strength of your canals. It’s cool that the canal and the hole is continuous through the whole piece and is what creates all the forms. Maybe if you cut the lower left corner at an angle (referring to the second picture) it would help move away from a rectangle!

  2. I really like your orientation in the 8th picture, where your sculpture almost looks like an urn or vase. The thick lines that mark depth are really distinct and blend into the other sections of your sculpture well. While I like how the more boxy section works within Picture 8, possible ways to pair better in other orientations might be to incorporate a third off-center hole somewhere in that section (maybe at the edge between two of the planes) and and curve the bottom so it looks more like the midsection curve in Pictures 3 and 4.

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