4 thoughts on “Hand Project”

  1. I think the decision to model your hand in this style makes it stand out in comparison to the other sculptures. I think you did a really good job with proportions and all, but the stylistic touch is really what makes this a good sculpture in my opinion.

  2. I think this sculpture has a remarkable resemblance to a hand and you did a great job with the proportions and form. the details are also very accurate but I find them to be too visually overpowering and I would soften them a bit.

  3. Your attention to detail in the hand is very apparent, from the small lines around the fingers’ joints to the areas around the fingernails. Something that stands out (for better or worse) is how thin your hand looks, such as in Views 1, 3, and 6. In order to address that, one thing you can do is add more clay to the section that connects the palm and wrist, which would round it out and make the entire sculpture more three-dimensional. The same idea could be applied to the back of the hand as the tendons connecting the fingers to the palm’s back feel almost bony since the difference in depth is too great.

  4. I really love the detail you included in your hand sculpture. When I made mine I really struggled with making the nails but yours looks amazing! When I look at the hand it seems like an older persons hands in the way that you really see the bone structure in it and I think it really brings the whole piece to life.

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