3 thoughts on “paper project”

  1. I really like your sculpture because while all of the views look different, I can still look at it and see a flower at most of the different angles. Different parts of your sculpture in different views play differently to do this, but I think it’s really interesting that almost no matter which way I look at it I’m able to see a figure of a flower.

  2. I think your skills of curving paper are amazing and I love your incorporation of it. As a form overall, I think that this sculpture is diverse and dynamic. I’m not sure if you intended to create interiorities and exteriorities (pos/neg space) but that element is missing from your piece in my opinion. It may not have been part of your design process but something to consider!

  3. I think you do a really nice job with the curvatures that you’ve implemented into your piece. I particularly like the way that this piece has a multitude of different perspectives that allow it to look so different at all angles. The use of curvatures allows the viewer to follow the pieces flow in a very complex and interesting way.

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