David‘s Chilling Adventure of Toilet Paper Rush — Installation Project

3 thoughts on “David‘s Chilling Adventure of Toilet Paper Rush — Installation Project”

  1. I think this project captured the essence of our past year in quarantine but in a light hearted and creative manor. I really enjoy the narrative and photography choice you made when combine each piece together.

  2. I believe this installation really showed the way that the pandemic has impacted everyone in one universal way–the toilet paper shortage. I think this is playful installation that allows the audience to look back and laugh at this dark time in the pandemic. Additionally, I love how you were able to capture the installation from a multitude of perspectives.

  3. This is a fun idea and you executed it really well. I really like the framing of 2-2, and you captured the mischief of the thief very well via its body posture (specifically the figure’s arms and stance). The black domino mask is a clever addition as well.

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