Tape Installation: Count D(r)own

Arrangement One:

Arrangement Two:

2 thoughts on “Tape Installation: Count D(r)own”

  1. I really like both of your arrangements because to me they seem to tell two different stories. The first arrangement with the watch slipping off the table feels like the loss of time, but on the other hand the hourglass spilling out endlessly on your figure while still “full” on the top half demonstrates to me how sometimes feeling like you have too much free time on your hands can also be overwhelming.

  2. I really like how you make the arrangement 1. The way you represent water/passage of time with blue tapes is really creative. It makes me feel the person is playing with water and also the water constrains the person at the same time. It feels like conveying a message that no one can stop the flow of water or the passage of time. Really cool project!

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