4 thoughts on “Tape Installation Project (PlayDate) – Madison & Jesse”

  1. I LOVE that you used the game telephone because it is essentially a way to talk social distanced so Covid almost gives the game a whole new meaning. One thing you could try is adding a hat or something to the children but I think overall you did a great job embodying the estranged sadness kids are probably going through these days.

  2. I like this piece a lot. I think you both did a great job at taping the doll to create the children. The first image is my favorite and I think it truly shows the “social distance” between the children, with the screen being the central divider (like in the case of covid). If you were to improve this project, I think the social distance aspect could have been more profound if the children were holding the cups as they played telephone.

  3. This to me is a super powerful piece. This is the situation we were in for way too long and it almost has a creepy vibe to it which is how I have always felt about forcing children to wear masks and locking them down. This perfectly shows how children got their play time with their friends taken from them which is so sad. The kids are easily recognizable and the photography is done well!

  4. This might be my favorite tape project. I love how the guy of the left almost has a look of defeat and is simply waiting for the wall to be torn down so he can play wiffle ball with his friend.

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