4 thoughts on “Multiples Project”

  1. I really like this because it plays with the ideas of uniformity and abstraction. While there is a uniform component from the way you bent each paper and arranged them in installation, that uniformity is contrasted by the abstract painting on each paper. I think that is makes this piece so visually pleasing.

  2. I really love how well put together you arranged each painted piece for this project because of how different abstraction is portrayed from piece to piece. The dramatic difference in which colors were used for each is very playful and is very appealing to follow as I move throughout your piece. Great Job!

  3. Your colors have a very earthy texture to them and they look really cool. Bending the papers was also a good idea as it allowed for colors in the background to have a moment to be seen. While I like your composition, especially the angle of the featured image, I wonder how your composition would change if you varied the height of certain paper sections, since it’s harder to appreciate the ones in the mid-ground currently.

  4. I really love how in each picture the pieces seem to be different sizes. In the featured image the pieces look about the size of index cards and in a lot of the other photos they look like full pieces of paper. I feel it brings and feeling of mystery to the instalment that I really enjoy.

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