The Cost of Being a Woman – A “Period” Piece

A woman has on average 444 periods in her lifetime. For each period, she uses around 20 tampons. That is 8880 tampons that a woman has to pay for. This project is a commentary on the cost of being a woman. There are 444 red strings hanging to look like tampons. On each string is 10 beads, and each bead represents 2 tampons.

3 thoughts on “The Cost of Being a Woman – A “Period” Piece”

  1. This is honestly one of my favorite pieces from the entire class so far this semester. Not only did you make an amazing commentary, but it is also very well done and pleasing to the eyes.

  2. I believe the statement you made with this piece is so important. I think it can also be nerve wracking to take such a bold statement in a class setting so I give you major props for that! When we went over your piece in class it really resonated with me and I think you demonstrated such a prevalent topic for women in a very appealing yet realistic way.

  3. This piece creates an important conversation about the idea of periods. I think really attests to the strength that all women hold and how normal periods are for women; moreover, starting a conversation to normalize the idea of periods in society. I love the way you utilized the string and attached it to the bathroom. Overall, this is an awesome piece.

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