2 thoughts on “Environmental Installation Process”

  1. I really love how the roses have aged and dried out. It really creates a somber mood combined with the rocks and pine needles. I know in class we were talking about how this reminded some people of a memorial but for some reason I think of Romeo and Juliet and lost love. I think it’s because of the roses in the rock wall which I associate with letters being left in. Have you resisted the site? It might be interesting to take a few photos of how the roses have further decayed.

  2. This installation makes me think of what happens when people are inside for too long, like during the lockdowns. The way that you photographed it from the inside of the mulch bed shows only dull colors of mulch, dead leaves, the grey stone, and shade where the flowers are and they are not thriving and not getting what they need. On the outside of the bed it looks like a sunny day with a bunch of bright green plants where those flowers should be to get all the nutrients they need; just like us. This is a strong piece! It definitely makes you feel something.

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