Out the Window — Environmental Installation

“Out the window” has double meaning. It means looking outside the window from the inside — a snapshot of my life of the past whole year. It also means to stop being used or thought about, according to Merriam Webster disctionary. It represents the how we all disgarded the lifestyle that we used to have before Covid.

In addition, I designed this window in Asian style as a reminiscence to my hometown that I haven’t been able to go to for a year and a half.

1 thought on “Out the Window — Environmental Installation”

  1. I have a stained glass window in my house that is the same shape as your piece and seems to be around the same size as the piece you made so I immediately made the connection to a window. I love the photos you took especially the one where you are holding it up in front of you but the viewer can’t see your hand as its slightly cropped. The window you made is composed of perpendicular sticks which is pleasing to look at and in the photo I mentioned the window is very squared up to the camera and the perpendicular sticks become parallel to the edges and it works so well.

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