3 thoughts on “A Million Wishes”

  1. I really like how clean this piece is! Concept is easy to understand and the execution is great; it is pleasing to look at from all angles and almost looks like a painting from the straight on photo. It has movement too, all of the pedals look like they are blowing in the wind.

  2. I love this piece because of the cleverness of using full grown dandelions to represent dandelion seeds. I think it was a great way to get your concept across clearly. You also did a great job at giving the installation the motion of actually being swept up by the wind even though the dandelions are taped down on the fence.

  3. the contrast between the wood and the flowers is strong which makes them really stand out. it’s playful and reminds me of my childhood and would definitely cause me to stop and look at it longer. Maybe more flowers could make it even grander, but overall great job!

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