Environmental Installation (Happy Earth Day!)

For our environmental installation, we chose to put emphasis on Earth Day and some of the mind-boggling facts that everyday people do not know/care to know.

“1.5 tons of waste is generated by each person each year”

“75% of this waste is recyclable, but only 30% is ACTUALLY recycled.”

3 thoughts on “Environmental Installation (Happy Earth Day!)”

  1. My first reaction when I saw your fact about the amount of waste produced per person each year was “wow that’s crazy”. I think you did a good job of presenting the facts whilst using the environment around you. If you were to go back and revisit this installation, I think you could benefit from finding something that would make the 1.5 more visible. Overall, great job!

  2. I find this piece to be very informational in regards to the amount of waste that is produced within a year. I believe that the trash in the shrubs were the most impactful part of this piece because it gave a glimpse into just how much waste is produced. I’m wondering if it would’ve been able to see something of darker color within the dirt. Overall, I really enjoy this piece.

  3. I think this piece is extremely impactful as an Earth Day installation, because it raises awareness to how much waste we truly do produce. Statistics like these are not hard to access, but we often just do not even think about looking for them. I think an interesting way to expand on this installation would be to add a “10” somewhere, because while 30% of recyclable waste is recycled, only about 10% of what gets put into recycling bins ACTUALLY gets recycled. Overall I really enjoyed both the message and execution of your installation.

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