Final Project Studies (Sound Sculptures)

For the final project, my idea is to create (approximately 3) sculptures that are representative of sound at specific times of day, although i am still deciding whether that means sounds made at that time in nature or a song I feel is a good representation of that time’s mood.

These two studies are attempts at visualizing the sound wave aspect of the project onto a CD/Vinyl record base. Needless to say I’m still piecing together how to best convey my original idea.

Here are two examples of sound sculptures that I’m currently referencing/finding inspiration in from Google:

1 thought on “Final Project Studies (Sound Sculptures)”

  1. I really like the clay version of the sound waves, especially the first picture with beautiful shadows. Just got an idea about passage of time: maybe you can use various colors of light and change the source of light to mimic sunlight. For example, maybe you can cover the lamp light with transparent orange plastic paper to cast setting sunlight from the side, and therefore create elongated shadows on the other side to represent dusk.

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