3 thoughts on “Mariah – Final Sculpture”

  1. good job Mariah, although I am not sure how I feel about the spiral trunk wrapping, your choice to photograph your piece outside in that environment really adds to the meaning of the piece!

  2. This is a very interesting piece. Placing it outside really brings the idea of it being a tree to life. I like the spaced wrapping around the trunk so you can look through the piece and see the environment behind it. I would be interested in how it would look if you were to paint it or tried adding strips that hung from the branches.

  3. I really like way you make it different from your work in progress version. The previous version looks like a palm tree and reminds me of beach, sunshine, and summer, while the finished version has a looming, sublime type of beauty because of the aerial roots that you add to the branches. I also love how you photography it. It looks really big, which accentuates its threatening beauty. Love it!

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