Loving Hands

I was inspired to make this piece to represent the loss of physical contact that everyone had during COVID especially in the beginning. I realized in August of last year when I shook my summer job boss’s hand that I hadn’t given anyone a handshake since March. The lack of hugs and handshakes was a …

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Capsules [Final]

Capsules is a series of sound sculptures meant to visualize songs that I believe accurately describes that time’s aesthetic and mood. The inclusion of poster-board strips were used as an intentional reference to the original sound waves used to model the sculptures, as well as to bridge the armature sound waves together and provide each …

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I will definitely keep working on this (adding a bit more plaster, cleaning it up, maybe adding paint, and photographing it) because it wasn’t fully dry by class time. So this is my ALMOST final.


In an attempt to recreate my first and last projects in sculpture, I combined elements from both projects into a revamped “1 in 3” creation.

Environmental Installation (Happy Earth Day!)

For our environmental installation, we chose to put emphasis on Earth Day and some of the mind-boggling facts that everyday people do not know/care to know. “1.5 tons of waste is generated by each person each year” “75% of this waste is recyclable, but only 30% is ACTUALLY recycled.”