



Project 1 due August 27, please post on your page before class.

Assignment: Gather a few of your favorite things. No less than five (5) and no more than eight (8). Arrange the items and photograph. List all of the items with a brief explanation. You have complete freedom here. If an item is not available, find another way to represent it. Perhaps you draw a picture of the absent item, write it’s name on a piece of paper or clip the image of it from another source. All the items have to be in one photograph. Do not produce multiple photographs, just one photograph with 5-8 items. Post that one photograph and explanation on your blog page.  

See the Image below, and look over this student’s explanation:

  1. A leather pouch that holds own lock of my father’s hair. He passed away two years ago. If my house was burning and I could only grab one thing this is it.
  2. An old can of Krylon spray paint. It reminds me of the countless days I’ve spent with my best friends painting and skateboarding. The glory days!
  3. A copy of the zine:“Every everything” which my brother Nick and I made for a recent show. It’s a compilation of not only our creative collaboration but also a glimpse into an unbreakable bond and friendship.
  4. A railroad spike. To me this symbolizes adventure, freedom, and possibilities it also reminds me of some beautiful lines written by Robert Frost; “I have been well appointed with the Knight. I am walking out in rain–back injury. I am out walking references City lights.”
  5. My harmonica: I take it with me everywhere, I pretend I can play ( I really can’t) but I just keep it in my pocket and whip it out when most other people whip out their cell phones.
  6. A piece of obsidian, I keep this in my pocket, sort of a worry stone. I found it on my first day on campus when I was feeling rather alone and walking around to get my bearings, mostly looking at the ground to avoid looking at people and this caught my eye.
  7. The old leather bound book is just the support, but I thought it looked good as a background.

My Favorite Things